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How Long Does It Take Compost to Break Down Before You Can Use It?
Source: Shintartanya/ You were the kind of kid who went rummaging through the house looking for your birthday presents, right?And since...
How Should Trash and Recyclables Be Stored?
Source: lovelyday12/ Every day, it seems like things get more complicated, and we’re left wondering if we’re doing it right. Take...
How to Dispose of Old Paint
Source: Grigor Ivanov/ Does HGTV make you dream of going full throttle with the latest paint color trends? You would nail...
How to Recycle Cardboard: 9 Helpful Tips
Source: Castleski / Does all your online shopping have you feeling guilty? We can’t absolve you from buying things you don’t...
10 Simple Recycling Ideas That Make It Easy to Incorporate into Your Everyday Life
When you’re trying to pick up a good habit, research shows that the easier you make the task, the more likely...
Are Plastic Bags Recyclable? Everything You Need to Know About Plastic Bag Disposal
Source: Small Fish/Shutterstock From the grocery bags that bring food to our tables to the heavy-duty bags that clean up construction...
Why Is Recycling Important for Kids?
Source: Preserving our planet is the kind of task that takes a combined effort from every generation! For many parents,...
How to Properly Dispose of Light Bulbs
Source: Vladimir Sukhachev/Shutterstock Most people have a basic idea of what goes in the trash and what’s recyclable. However, there are...
Where Can I Throw Away Trash? — Proper Garbage Removal
We all produce some trash — it’s just a fact of life. And while reducing the amount of trash that you...
How Is Glass Recycled?
Source: Kim Kuperkova/Shutterstock In terms of how long trash remains without decomposing in a landfill, glass is one of the longest-lived...
Can You Throw Batteries in the Trash? (and Other Electronics)
Source: Lena Ogurtsova/Shutterstock The unfortunate truth is that all batteries will eventually reach the end of their lives. When that happens,...
6 Recycling Myths Debunked
Source: 9dream studio/Shutterstock There are lots of myths out there that are common, but pretty harmless. For example, contrary to popular...